NOTE: See the top (pinned) comment of each video for special points I forgot to mention, links and some errata.
PART ONE: TAKE THE ORANGE PILL– Trumpocalypse Proves You Live in a Simulated Matrix (article version)
This part has its own page with both article and video forms. It is an exploration of the improbability and surreality of the Trump presidency so it has the least to do with mass psychosis of the four parts.
A thorough exploration of the mass psychosis derangement syndrome of those who have drunk the orange Koolaide and fallen under the psychic scarecrow’s spell from the perspective of Jungian psychology, including Jung’s warning about psychic epidemics and mass movements.
The above video expands on this article:
The woke appear like church ladies in drag with crosses burning in their eyes, seeking to cancel their betters by Tweets and complaints that they have been micro-aggressed by word choices and pronouns. Their knowledge of history stretches back to almost the birth of TikTok, and that apparently entitles them to judge people of the past, present, and future with adamant self-righteousness.
This video explores what the “mutant” (the evolving conscious person) can do when surrounded by my mass psychosis on the left and right.
Note: If you can afford to get the book on Audible/Amazon please do. My creative career has operated a six-figure lifetime loss which hurts my feelings as well as my finances!
My two major works in book form (both available free on this site) are directly related to the mutant versus mass psychosis. The E-Book version of Parallel Journeys, can be read free on this site. If you prefer Audible, Kindle or physical versions, those are all available on Amazon.
(still shot from upcoming Parallel Journeys trailer)
Opening premise: Does this reality feel fundamentally wrong to you? What if the truths of what lies hidden are exposed in the journal of a survivor of an extinction-level event in our near future? His journals have been sent back in time to warn us about the perilous edge between extinction and evolutionary metamorphosis on which the fate of our species trembles. The survivor writing to us is an empathic 18-year-old named Tommy. He’s been sealed in a three-acre biosphere with just one other person, and the outside world has been radio-silent for the three years of their enclosure. Tommy is in telepathic contact with someone living during our time who may hold the key to an evolutionary metamorphosis. The journals, entitled Parallel Journeys, have been sent back in time to inspire you to create your own metamorphic butterfly effects to help our species avoid extinction and survive in a new form.
My book on the Singularity Archetype, Crossing the Event Horizon — Human Metamorphosis and the Singularity Archetype now has a second edition available free on this site.
A Comment I left to a Daniel Pinchbeck Substack article relates directly to why I am giving free access to my books post-election:
The stupidity and emptiness of the physicalist (a failure scientifically as well as in every other way) perspective you quoted from The Times exemplifies the horrid absence of mythos that Jung, near the end of his life, called a “terrifying tabula on which almost anything might appear,” (I’m paraphrasing from memory). When British historian Arnold Toynbee studied the life cycle of civilizations, he found that civilizations declined when they no longer had healthy mythos. The nihilistic anti-mythos of materialism, a not-so-golden oldie –one famous British atheist said, “We’re no more significant than mold growing on a shower curtain”– is both dangerous to civilization and just stupid. And yet, post-modernist intellectuals keep tossing it at us like the most tired of rabbits pulled from the most disappointing of magician’s hats. They take length or volume as their yardstick of significance to diminish us, which is a ridiculous way to measure significance. Even from that perspective, the size of a single human being is at an interesting midpoint between an atom and a galaxy.
If we instead use sentience as our yardstick, suddenly, humans loom as giants of significance, trivializing square light years of dead real estate out there in the relative vacuum of outer space. Trumpism is a psychic epidemic growing on the lifeless mold of nihilistic materialism, which attracts demented new religions like Trumpism and Q’anon in the way that feces attracts flies.
Our political problems are 100% psychic artifacts. They are merely the latest variants of mass psychosis on the left and right–see my recent work on the topic: The answer to the pathology emerging from a collective psyche poisoned by toxic mythos is life-affirming, evolutionary mythos. This is why, in the immediate aftermath of discovering what I call “The Singularity Archetype” (which is about our evolutionary predicament) in 1978, I was commanded by the “muse” –best understood as the voice of the collective unconscious percolating up through the personal unconscious and into the conscious mind of the person who receives such overpowering instructions–to make my highest priority writing a sci-fi epic based on the ideas I had just discovered. In other words, I was being told to create a mythos, not more scholarly work (though I continued some of that too).
When a few years ago, Daniel, on a Zoom call, said his mother was “writing a dystopian sci-fi novel,” I quipped, “Daniel, just says she’s writing a sci-fi novel; dystopian and sci-fi are redundant.” In other words, modern mythos, mostly found in sci-fi, are highly toxic as they are based on grim and stupid nihilism. It took me 45 years to complete the sci-fi epic I was commanded to create (there were many versions, but they weren’t good enough until the one I published last Spring). It begins with a classic dystopian sci-fi setup but shows a possible path of evolutionary metamorphosis out of it. Even if only read by the right few, putting a life-affirming and evolutionary mythos into the collective unconscious still feels of paramount importance, and for this reason (besides it being in every form on Amazon and Audible), I’ve also made this lifetime of work available free to read or listen to for anyone interested in a different mythos. It is our death cult mythos that is killing us and producing these political pathologies (mass psychosis); the antidote to that core, foundational cause is evolutionary mythos.
Notes on Part Two, The Cult of the Orange Goblin
Points I should have included in the video:
Here is the “Truth” Trump posted on his social media platform, Truth Social, where he says he is entitled to suspend the Constitution:
“Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” Trump wrote in a post on the social network Truth Social and accused “Big Tech” of working closely with Democrats. “Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”
The whole idea of America was not to be ruled by a king and to have checks and balances to keep a would-be despot from seizing power. The founding fathers warned us that democracy was a fragile experiment that could fail if a despotic demagogue fooled voters.
Less than two weeks after the start of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, George Washington wrote to his friend, the Marquis de Lafayette, on June 6, 1787, explaining that his critical purpose in attending the convention was to prevent a demagogue from gaining power in the politically unstable young nation and thus destroying it.
Washington described how he was pulled out of retirement by an urgent risk to the United States. “Anarchy and confusion” were threatening the security of the American people and the rule of constitutional law. But this was only half the danger.
The deeper risk, he wrote that early June, was that the political chaos created fertile ground for exploitation “by some aspiring demagogue who will not consult the interest of his country so much as his own ambitious views.”
Washington, of course, was not the only framer who viewed our Constitution largely as a bulwark against demagogues. In the surviving records of the speeches given at the Constitutional Convention, the word “demagogue” was used 21 times by the framers as they crafted the Constitution’s essential checks and balances against despotism and tyranny.
(End of L.A. Times Excerpt)
Some actually believe Trump when he says he was schmart to declare bankruptcy six times:
According to Politifact, in the first of his six bankruptcies, Trump “… funded the construction of the $1 billion Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, N.J., which opened in 1990, primarily with junk bonds at a whopping 14 percent interest. A year later, the casino was nearly $3 billion in debt, while Trump had racked up nearly $900 million in personal liabilities. So Trump decided to file for Chapter 11 reorganization, according to the New York Times.
As a result, Trump gave up half his personal stake in the casino and sold his yacht and airline, according to the Washington Post. ” The only reason Donald Trump’s bankruptcy in Atlantic City wasn’t permanent financial ruin is that the bankers recognized, in their words, “Trump is worth more to us alive than dead.” They propped up the gold-plated scarecrow because they wanted him to be their charlatan super salesman to help sell off his assets. But many small business owners and contractors were ruined by Trump’s bankruptcy. His next bankruptcy (2 of 6) was Trump Castle, which collapsed despite a desperate and illegal attempt by his daddy to prop it up:
Posted: April 09, 1991
ATLANTIC CITY — One of Donald Trump’s casinos has admitted that it broke the law and violated terms of its license when the developer’s father lent it $3.5 million by purchasing gaming chips when he had no plans to gamble, the state Division of Gaming Enforcement said yesterday.…/25780577_1_casino-control-act-…
Trump’s personally appointed first Secretary of Defense, another four-star general, Jim Mattis said,
Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership.
Voters in this country are on the verge of giving an Electoral College victory to a man who tried a coup to hold on to power and is explicitly telling you that he intends to suspend the Constitution and be a military dictator.
This is not time for “what aboutisms” related to Biden/Harris. Yes, Biden had some disastrous failures. Yes, Wokism is a motherload of stupid ideas. Yes, Harris said stupid things in 2019. Mass psychosis on the left version is more obnoxious, but the mass psychosis on the right is far more dangerous.
As a well-informed, lifelong Republican said in 2016 on why he was going to vote for Clinton,
“I disagree with Clinton on almost everything, but she’s within the normal range of being wrong.”
Trump is far outside the normal range of being wrong–he has explicitly announced his intentions to end democracy. Anyone voting for him or failing to vote for the only viable alternative will be complicit in ending America’s fragile, 240-year experiment with democracy.
Note: Parts Two-Four do not have article versions, what follows are quotes and images from the videos for reference purposes. The Intro to Part Two was scripted so that it does have a narrative form. The rest are notes for the videos.
History is the nightmare from which I am trying to awaken. –James Joyce
. . . the contemporary world and its newspapers present the spectacle of a gigantic psychiatric clinic . . . C.G. Jung 25
There is no hydrogen bomb in nature, that is all our doing. We are the great danger. Psyche is the great danger. C.G. Jung
From the Second Coming by W.B. Yeats
(slightly updated)
. . . Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with obese body and the combed-over head of a troll,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough, orange beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards the Capitol to be born?
As the elongating skull shadows of millennia of human history streak toward the event horizon of the election of 2024, it is an appropriate time to reflect on our species’ fatal tendency toward mass psychosis, a tendency now virally amplified by the obsession-promoting algorithms of social media. But, and this is a very big BUT,
it is necessary to see the current collective psychosis with double-sided shadow vision to see that is on the left as well as the right, and that the two sides of the insanity form a synergistic Folie à Deux, every bit as awful as a gag-inducing Joker musical sequel.
The maddening approach of another potentially Trumpocalyptic election has me rereading Volume 10 of Jung’s collected works, Civilization in Transition, which includes some writings that are now more than a century old and yet have eerie relevance to the present moment. Based on what he read in the dreams of his highly educated German patients, Jung was able to predict, twenty years before it actualized, the deadly mass psychosis of Nazism.
Rereading Jung’s words, which I underlined and highlighted when I first encountered them at age 20 in 1978, they still glow like fell runes on a gold ring cast into a fire.
Card #593 – The Path of the Sacred Highlighter
I don’t believe in sacred texts; for me, only the highlighter is sacred. When I read texts, I highlight what resonates with my inner truth sense. This is how I hope people will relate to the oracle — take what resonates with your inner truth sense and leave the rest. This is how I hope people will relate to inner and outer voices, to channeled material, to ancient or modern texts, to revered gurus, to sleazy politicians, to what claims to be the word of God, to everything, everyone and to life itself. Go with what is highlighted in your psyche as true, beautiful and significant. Never surrender your highlighter to someone else or to any sort of outside authority. You must always wield your own highlighter.
Same as with my words, take what resonates with your inner truth and leave the rest.
As Jung points out,
“One can perceive, think, feel, remember, decide, and act, unconsciously. Everything that happens in consciousness can under certain conditions also occur unconsciously.” (30)
To that list of actions Jung identifies as capable of occurring unconsciously I would add another:
We can vote unconsciously. Without knowing our personal shadow, we can vote for a personification of our collective shadow. When someone asked how Hitler manipulated the German psyche, Jung replied, “He didn’t manipulate the German psyche. He was the German psyche.”
Former Trump officials who warned Trump should not be president or even on the ballot:
Vice President Mike Pence
Defense Secretaries James Mattis and Mark Esper
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs (appointed by Trump) General Mark Milley
National Security Adviser John Bolton
Director of National Intelligence Dan Coates
Chiefs of Staff 4-star Marine general John Kelly and Mick McMulvany
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

Kelly, who had previously refrained from discussing his time in the White House so openly, said in expansive interviews with The New York Times that Trump’s discussion of using the military against the “enemy within” — who, in Trump’s words included Democratic foes — pushed him to come forward. His comments come after several other prominent former administration officials, including those with military experience, expressed concern about Trump’s fitness for office.
“And I think this issue of using the military on — to go after — American citizens is one of those things I think is a very, very bad thing — even to say it for political purposes to get elected — I think it’s a very, very bad thing, let alone actually doing it,” Kelly said.
The former general held nothing back, arguing that Trump could fit the bill of a “fascist.”
“Well, looking at the definition of fascism: It’s a far-right authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy,” he told The Times.
“So, certainly, in my experience, those are the kinds of things that he thinks would work better in terms of running America,” he added.
Kelly went on to explain that Trump had said he wanted generals like those that Adolf Hitler had, a comment that Kelly found shocking and told the former president not to repeat.
In this Oct. 19, 2017 file photo, White House chief of staff John Kelly speaks during a White House briefing in Washington.
Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images, FILE
Kelly went on to explain that Trump had said he wanted generals like those that Adolf Hitler had, a comment that Kelly found shocking and told the former president not to repeat.
From the Academy of Ideas

See how Trump spoke in 1987 and today–see the video in this article
The psychic individuality of the child develops only later after a reliable continuity of consciousness has been established. The fact that the child begins by speaking of himself in the third person is in my view a clear proof of the impersonality of his psychology. –Jung (all Jung quotes from Volume 10 of his collected works, Civilization in Transition.)
See Donald Trump saying the following as Third-Person in Chief.
“There’s never been a president like President Trump.” –President Trump
“Stay on point, Donald, stay on point. No sidetracks, Donald.” –-Donald Trump
“Nobody respects women more than Donald Trump.” –-Donald Trump
“Nobody has more respect for intelligence than Donald Trump.” –Donald Trump
“Trump, Trump, oh yeah, Trump.” –Trump
“China has total respect for Donald Trump and Donald Trump’s very, very large brain.” –Donald Trump
Jung defines Lévy-Bruhl concept of participation mystique as “a state of identity in mutual unconsciousness.” (39)
There is no country on earth where the “power-word,” the magic formula, the slogan or advertisement is more effective than in America. We Europeans laugh about this, but we forget that faith in the magical power of the word can move more than mountains. Christ himself was a word, the Word. We have become estranged from this psychology, but in the American it is still alive. It has yet to be seen what America will do with it.–Jung and in all following quotes unless otherwise indicates.
(Notice that the QAnon motto is the perfect, operational definition of what Jung called “mass man” and of any stampeding herd.)
Alienation from the unconscious and from its historical conditions spells rootlessness. That is the danger that lies in wait for the conqueror of foreign lands, and for every individual who, through one-sided allegiance to any kind of -ism, loses touch with the dark, maternal, earthy ground of his being.
Our fearsome gods have only changed their names: they now rhyme with -ism.
The world is still full of bête noires and scapegoats, just as it formerly teemed with witches and werewolves.
“They’re eating the cats! They’re eating the dogs!” –Trump during the presidential debate with Harris, making a debunked claim about Haitian immigrants.
The doctor in me refuses point blank to consider the life of a people as something that does not conform to psychological law. For him the psyche of a people is only a somewhat more complex structure than the psyche of an individual.
Moreover, I am not here to tell you what ought to be done. That must be left to those who always know what is better for other people.
From the Zap Oracle card: Choosing the lesser of two evils. Be wary of either/or propositions. The positive aspect is that this is an auspicious time to reconsider the choices; there are probably more than two options.
Sometimes, however, choosing the lesser of two evils is the best choice. For example, suppose there are two leading presidential candidates, and one is very, very, very dark grey while the other is medium to light grey. You could attempt to keep your conscience clean by choosing a third-party candidate who has no chance of winning but whom you think is nearly pure white. That’s a serious mistake, as it is a far greater moral urgency to prevent the very, very, very dark grey candidate from seizing power. In such a scenario, it is better to choose the lesser of the two evils who can actually win. And in case you don’t know, it’s been statistically proven that people who kept saying “republicrats, there’s no difference between the two parties” and virtuously voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 elected George W. Bush who brought us the war in Iraq instead of the not-quite-pure-enough for them, environmentalist Al Gore. It’s also been proven that people who voted for the green candidate in 2016 caused Hillary Clinton to lose the electoral college to Donald Trump. By voting green, they brought us orange.
It is selfish to want to preserve your purity and virtue by not being realistic about the nature of certain choices. As Taoist sage Deng Ming Dao says, “Never underestimate the value of a partial solution.” We don’t live in a world that always gives us a perfect alternative to choose. If you’re unwilling to use a product if it damages the environment in some way, you wouldn’t be reading this — you’d be in the woods trying to sharpen your stone axe.
Choosing the lesser of two evils is the right choice when perfection is the enemy of the good. Even if the good is grey-scaled and mediocre, it’s still better than a dark alternative.
The decidedly individualistic trend of these latest developments is counterbalanced by a compensatory reversion to the collective man, whose authority at present is the sheer weight of the masses. No wonder that nowadays there is a feeling of catastrophe in the air, as though an avalanche had broken loose which nothing can stop. The collective man threatens to stifle the individual man, on whose sense of responsibility everything valuable in mankind ultimately depends. The mass as such is always anonymous and always irresponsible. So-called leaders are the inevitable symptoms of a mass movement. The true leaders of mankind are always those who are capable of self-reflection, and who relieve the dead weight of the masses at least of their own weight, consciously holding aloof from the blind momentum of the mass in movement. [327] But who can resist this all-engulfing force of attraction, when each man clings to the next and each drags the other with him? Only one who is firmly rooted not only in the outside world but also in the world within. (Vs W quotes)
Trump partying with Jeffrey Epstein in 1992
In the Access Hollywood video, Trump tells Bush about a failed attempt to seduce Nancy O’Dell, who was Bush’s co-host at the time (circa 2005) of the recording:[17]
I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it.
I did try and fuck her. She was married.
And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, “I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.” I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.[12]
Later, referring to Arianne Zucker (whom they were waiting to meet), Trump says:
I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.[12]
Back to Jung quotes:
What a distressing sight it was to see the whole of Germany heave a sigh of relief when a megalomaniac psychopath proclaimed, “I take over the responsibility!” Any man who still possesses the instinct of self-preservation knows perfectly well that only a swindler would offer to relieve him of responsibility, for surely no one in his senses would dream of taking responsibility for the existence of another. The man who promises everything is sure to fulfil nothing, and everyone who promises too much is in danger of using evil means in order to carry out his promises, and is already on the road to perdition.
All these pathological features—complete lack of insight into one’s own character, auto-erotic self-admiration and self-extenuation, denigration and terrorization of one’s fellow men (how contemptuously Hitler spoke of his own people!), projection of the shadow, lying, falsification of reality, determination to impress by fair means or foul, bluffing and double-crossing—all these were united in the man who was diagnosed clinically as an hysteric, and whom a strange fate chose to be the political, moral, and religious spokesman of Germany for twelve years. Is this pure chance?
A more accurate diagnosis of Hitler’s condition would be pseudologia phantastica, that form of hysteria which is characterized page by a peculiar talent for believing one’s own lies. For a short spell, such people usually meet with astounding success, and for that reason are socially dangerous. Nothing has such a convincing effect as a lie one invents and believes oneself, or an evil deed or intention whose righteousness one regards as self-evident. At any rate they carry far more conviction than the good man and the good deed, or even than the wicked man and his purely wicked deed. Hitler’s theatrical, obviously hysterical gestures struck all foreigners (with a few amazing exceptions) as purely ridiculous. When I saw him with my own eyes, he suggested a psychic scarecrow (with a broomstick for an outstretched arm) rather than a human being. It is also difficult to understand how his ranting speeches, delivered in shrill, grating, womanish tones, could have made such an impression. But the German people would never have been taken in and carried away so completely if this figure had not been a reflected image of the collective German hysteria. It is not without serious misgivings that one ventures to pin the label of “psychopathic inferiority” on to a whole nation, and yet, heaven knows, it is the only explanation which could in any way account for the effect this scarecrow had on the masses. and listen carefully, ( move the slider to 12 minutes and 30 seconds) you will hear Donald Trump say, “I really have no opinion, I just know that I’m weak—-uh, that I’m winning by a lot. I really have no opinion, but I know that I’m winning by a lot.” You will hear him catch himself, a moment in which he is clearly startled when he realizes that he said “weak” and then he overcompensates, as usual, with another of his winner phrases which he repeats a moment later. Jung pointed out that both dreams and slips of the tongue tend to compensate for defects in the waking attitude, especially any sort of one-sidedness. As in the yin-yang symbol, Trump tries to portray himself as all white/yang/masculine power, but the “I’m weak” slip, like the black dot in the white yang, shows his unconscious peaking through and tweaking his own nose.
The most stunning and hilarious slips of the tongue I’ve ever heard have come from another man that many thought would never become president—W. See Exploring the Unconscious—a Zap Oracle card that quotes some of W’s most amazing slips.
A sorry lack of education, conceit that bordered on madness, a very mediocre intelligence combined with the hysteric’s cunning and the power fantasies of an adolescent, were written all over this demagogue’s face. His gesticulations were all put on, devised by an hysterical mind intent only on making an impression. He behaved in public like a man living in his own biography, in this case as the sombre, daemonic “man of iron” of popular fiction, the ideal of an infantile public whose knowledge of the world is derived from the deified heroes of trashy films. These personal observations led me to conclude at the time (1937) that, when the final catastrophe came, it would be far greater and bloodier than I had previously supposed. For this theatrical hysteric and transparent impostor was not strutting about on a small stage, but was riding the armoured divisions of the Wehrmacht, with all the weight of German heavy industry behind him. Encountering only slight and in any case ineffective opposition from within, the nation of eighty millions crowded into the circus to witness its own destruction. [
Among Hitler’s closest associates, Goebbels and Göring stand out as equally striking figures. Göring is the good fellow and bon vivant type of cheat, who takes in the simple-minded with his jovial air of respectability; Goebbels, a no-less-sinister and dangerous character, is the typical Kaffeehausliterat and card-sharper, handicapped and at the same time branded by nature. Any one partner in this unholy trinity should have been enough to make any man whose instincts were not warped cross himself three times. But what in fact happened? Hitler was exalted to the skies; there were even theologians who looked upon him as the Saviour. Goring was popular on account of his weaknesses; few people would believe his crimes. Goebbels was tolerated because many people think that lying is inseparable from success, and that success justifies everything. Three of these types at one time were really the limit, and one is at a loss to imagine how anything quite so monstrous ever came to power.

But we must not forget that we are judging from today, from a knowledge of the events which led to the catastrophe. Our judgment would certainly be very different had our information stopped short at 1933 or 1934. At that time, in Germany as well as in Italy, there were not a few things that appeared plausible and seemed to speak in favour of the regime.
In an individual we call this sort of thing an hysterical twilight-state. When a whole nation finds itself in this condition it will follow a mediumistic Führer over the housetops with a sleep-walker’s assurance, only to land in the street with a broken back.
Hitler was the exponent of a “new order,” and that is the real reason why practically every German fell for him. The Germans wanted order, but they made the fatal mistake of choosing the principal victim of disorder and unchecked greed for their leader. Their individual attitude remained unchanged: just as they were greedy for power, so they were greedy for order. Like the rest of the world, they did not understand wherein Hitler’s significance lay, that he symbolized something in every individual. He was the most prodigious personification of all human inferiorities. He was an utterly incapable, unadapted, irresponsible, psychopathic personality, full of empty, infantile fantasies, but cursed with the keen intuition of a rat or a guttersnipe. He represented the shadow, the inferior part of everybody’s personality, in an overwhelming degree, and this was another reason why they fell for him. [455] But what could they have done? In Hitler, every German should have seen his own shadow, his own worst danger.
As early as 1916, before the United States entered the first World War, I wrote: Is the present war supposed to be a war of economics? That is a neutral American “business-like” standpoint, that does not take the blood, tears, unprecedented deeds of infamy and great distress into account, and which completely ignores the fact that this war is really an epidemic of madness.
Jung in 1932:
The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events. To a quite terrifying degree we are threatened by wars and revolutions which are nothing other than psychic epidemics. At any moment several millions of human beings may be smitten with a new madness, and then we shall have another world war or devastating revolution. Instead of being at the mercy of wild beasts, earthquakes, landslides, and inundations, modern man is battered by the elemental forces of his own psyche. This is the World Power that vastly exceeds all other powers on earth. The Age of Enlightenment, which stripped nature and human institutions of gods, overlooked the God of Terror who dwells in the human soul. If anywhere, fear of God is justified in face of the overwhelming supremacy of the psychic.
The conflagration that broke out in Germany was the outcome of psychic conditions that are universal. The real danger signal is not the fiery sign that hung over Germany, but the unleashing of atomic energy, which has given the human race the power to annihilate itself completely.
The situation is about the same as if a small boy of six had been given a bag of dynamite for a birthday present. We are not one hundred per cent convinced by his assurances that no calamity will happen. Will man be able to give up toying with the idea of another war? Can we at last get it into our heads that any government of impassioned patriots which signs the order for mobilization should immediately be executed en bloc? [486] How can we save the child from the dynamite which no one can take away from him? The good spirit of humanity is challenged as never before. The facts can no longer be hushed up or painted in rosy colours. Will this knowledge inspire us to a great inner transformation of mind, to a higher, maturer consciousness and sense of responsibility? It is time, high time, that civilized man turned his mind to fundamental things. It is now a question of existence or nonexistence, and surely this should be subjected to the most searching investigation and discussion. For the danger that threatens us now is of such dimensions as to make this last European catastrophe seem like a
Rational argument can be conducted with some prospect of success only so long as the emotionality of a given situation does not exceed a certain critical degree. If the affective temperature rises above this level, the possibility of reason’s having any effect ceases and its place is taken by slogans and chimerical wish-fantasies.
That is to say, a sort of collective possession results which rapidly develops into a psychic epidemic.
Part Three Notes:
See: Jihaad Against the Feminine by Sean Moffit of the Non-profit The Women’s Assistance Fund
(Note, this non-profit no longer exists, but I (Jonathan Zap) worked with Sean for this non-profit for several years, and it’s main purpose, besides spreading awareness, was funding groups run by Muslim women to protect Muslim women such as RAWA (the Revolutionary Afghan Women’s Association) and especially The Progressive Women’s Association of Pakistan a safe house and burn center in Islamabad, Pakistan set up to help Muslim women who were victims of “stove burnings.”
by Jan Goodwin
A Glossary of Zap Terms—Babylon Matrix, Mutant, Singularity Archetype
From A Glossary of Zap Terms: A Mutant is not a genetic anomaly but a person who is undergoing evolutionary metamorphosis. Mutants are empowered by a core of self-actualization (what Jung called “individuation.”) A Mutant is a self-aware interdimensional traveler who is taking charge of their own interdimensional journey into the unknown. A Mutant is someone who has a deep commitment to consciousness, which means a willingness to peel back the many layers of acquired conditioning and to help along the project of consciousness in general. This means that the deep commitment extends to others who are also committed to consciousness. A Mutant with a capital “M” is one who serves transpersonal aims, and is not merely looking to enhance his own status. It is this sort of Mutant that Jung is referring to when he says, “Every advance in culture is, psychologically, an extension of consciousness, a coming to consciousness that can take place only through discrimination. Therefore an advance always begins with individuation, that is to say with the individual, conscious of his isolation, cutting a new path through hitherto untrodden territory. To do this he must first return to the fundamental facts of his own being, irrespective of all authority and tradition, and allow himself to become conscious of his distinctiveness. If he succeeds in giving collective validity to his widened consciousness, he creates a tension of opposites that provides the stimulation which culture needs for its further progress.” Mutants are the intended users of
From Parallel Journeys:
“Oh, I’d like to refuse—I’d love to refuse—but you said there’s an extinction coming . . . if there’s anything I can do to prevent it, I should. Still, I’m one person—I don’t understand, how can I possibly create that much change?” “Don’t underestimate the difference one person can make. The more anomalous you are, the more change you create, for better or worse. The mission seems overwhelming because you’re thinking of it in causal terms. I must do A to cause B. But sometimes, we create change by simply being, rather than by a specific action. “You’re right, though. There is much ambiguity in all of this. I have no way of knowing how or even if this intervention will succeed. We can only work with what is presently in front of us and hope for the best. This is the opposite of a causal mission, where we have an exact physical objective. We have a general goal, but we cannot structure in advance the means we need to get there. “I may have an influence on you that creates a butterfly effect. And you may, in turn, generate your own effects, the ends of which are unknowable. Through your own subtle means, you may alter the human timeline just enough to bypass extinction.”
Zap, Jonathan . Parallel Journeys (pp. 499-500). Zap Oracle Press. Kindle Edition.
From Volume 10 of Jung’s Collected Works, Civilization in Transition:
The integration of unconscious contents is an individual act of realization, of understanding, and moral evaluation. It is a most difficult task, demanding a high degree of ethical responsibility. Only relatively few individuals can be expected to be capable of such an achievement, and they are not the political but the moral leaders of mankind. The maintenance and further development of civilization depend on such individuals, for it is obvious enough that the consciousness of the masses has not advanced since the first World War. Only certain reflective minds have been enriched, and their moral and intellectual horizon has been considerably enlarged by the realization of the immense and overwhelming power of evil, and of the fact that mankind is capable of becoming merely its instrument. But the average man is still where he was at the end of the first World War.
As I have said, the uprush of mass instincts was symptomatic of a compensatory move of the unconscious. Such a move was possible because the conscious state of the people had become estranged from the natural laws of human existence. Thanks to industrialization, large portions of the population were uprooted and were herded together in large centres. This new form of existence—with its mass psychology and social dependence on the fluctuation of markets and wages—produced an individual who was unstable, insecure, and suggestible. He was aware that his life depended on boards of directors and captains of industry, and he supposed, rightly or wrongly, that they were chiefly motivated by financial interests. He knew that, no matter how conscientiously he worked, he could still fall a victim at any moment to economic changes which were utterly beyond his control. And there was nothing else for him to rely on. Moreover, the system of moral and political education prevailing in Germany had already done its utmost to permeate everybody with a spirit of dull obedience, with the belief that every desirable thing must come from above, from those who by divine decree sat on top of the law-abiding citizen, whose feelings of personal responsibility were overruled by a rigid sense of duty. No wonder, therefore, that it was precisely Germany that fell a prey to mass psychology, though she is by no means the only nation threatened by this dangerous germ. The influence of mass psychology has spread far and wide. [454]
“Get a life!!” Revealing American vernacular phrase.
The individual’s feeling of weakness, indeed of non-existence, was thus compensated by the eruption of hitherto unknown desires for power. It was the revolt of the powerless, the insatiable greed of the “have-nots.” By such devious means the unconscious compels man to become conscious of himself. Unfortunately, there were no values in the conscious mind of the individual which would have enabled him to understand and integrate the reaction when it reached consciousness. Nothing but materialism was preached by the highest intellectual authorities.
It is a notorious fact that the morality of society as a whole is in inverse ratio to its size; the greater the aggregation of individuals, the more the individual factors are blotted out, and with them morality, which depends entirely on the moral sense of the individual and on the freedom necessary for this. Hence every man is, in a certain sense, unconsciously a worse man when he is in society than when acting alone; for he is carried by society and to that extent relieved of his individual responsibility. Any large company composed of wholly admirable persons has the morality and intelligence of an unwieldy, stupid, and violent animal. The bigger the organization, the more unavoidable is its immorality and blind stupidity. (Senatus bestia, senatores boni viri.) Society, by automatically stressing all the collective qualities in its individual representatives, puts a premium on mediocrity, on everything that settles down to vegetate in an easy, irresponsible way. Individuality will inevitably be driven to the wall.… Without freedom there can be no morality. Our admiration for great organizations dwindles when once we become aware of the other side of the wonder: the tremendous piling up and accentuation of all that is primitive in man, and the unavoidable destruction of his individuality in the interests of the monstrosity that every great organization in fact is.
And in so far as he is normally adapted to his environment, it is true that the greatest infamy on the part of his group will not disturb him, so long as the majority of his fellows steadfastly believe in the exalted morality of their social organization.
Small and hidden is the door that leads inward, and the entrance is barred by countless prejudices, mistaken assumptions, and fears. Always one wishes to hear of grand political and economic schemes, the very things that have landed every nation in a morass. Therefore, it sounds grotesque when anyone speaks of hidden doors, dreams, and a world within. What has this vapid idealism got to do with gigantic economic programmes, with the so-called problems of reality? [329] But I speak not to nations, only to the individual few, for whom it goes without saying that cultural values do not drop down like manna from heaven, but are created by the hands of individuals. If things go wrong in the world, this is because something is wrong with the individual, because something is wrong with me. Therefore, if I am sensible, I shall put myself right first. For this I need—because outside authority no longer means anything to me—a knowledge of the innermost foundations of my being, in order that I may base myself firmly on the eternal facts of the human psyche.
There is indeed reason enough for man to be afraid of the impersonal forces lurking in his unconscious. We are blissfully unconscious of these forces because they never, or almost never, appear in our personal relations or under ordinary circumstances. But if people crowd together and form a mob, then the dynamisms of the collective man are let loose—beasts or demons that lie dormant in every person until he is part of a mob. Man in the mass sinks unconsciously to an inferior moral and intellectual level, to that level which is always there, below the threshold of consciousness, ready to break forth as soon as it is activated by the formation of a mass.… The change of character brought about by the uprush of collective forces is amazing. A gentle and reasonable being can be transformed into a maniac or a savage beast. One is always inclined to lay the blame on external circumstances, but nothing could explode in us if it had not been already there. As a matter of fact, we are constantly living on the edge of a volcano, and there is, so far as we know, no way of protecting ourselves from a possible outburst that will destroy everybody within reach. It is certainly a good thing to preach reason and common sense, but what if you have a lunatic asylum for an audience or a crowd in a collective frenzy? There is not much difference between them because the madman and the mob are both moved by impersonal, overwhelming forces.…8
This ghastly power is mostly explained as fear of the neighbouring nation, which is supposed to be possessed by a malevolent fiend. Since nobody is capable of recognizing just where and how much he himself is possessed and unconscious, he simply projects his own condition upon his neighbour, and thus it becomes a sacred duty to have the biggest guns and the most poisonous gas. The worst of it is that he is quite right. All one’s neighbours are in the grip of some uncontrollable fear, just like oneself. In lunatic asylums it is a well-known fact that patients are far more dangerous when suffering from fear than when moved by rage or hatred.9 [464]
I am thinking, rather, of the well-known fact that anyone who has insight into his own actions, and has thus found access to the unconscious, involuntarily exercises an influence on his environment. The deepening and broadening of his consciousness produce the kind of effect which the primitives call “mana.” It is an unintentional influence on the unconscious of others, a sort of unconscious prestige, and its effect lasts only so long as it is not disturbed by conscious intention.
Crossing the Event Horizon
Patriarchal/Military-Industrial Complex vs. The Mutant This aspect is really just a subset of the one above, but it is such a consistent mythological theme that it deserves special mention. The variations of this theme are endless, so I’ll give a few key examples. The Medusa Touch is a novel and also a popular movie about a man with great paranormal powers. He is deeply resentful of the existing social order and uses his abilities to destroy iconic representations of the patriarchal order such as a space mission and a church where British royalty and high government officials are in attendance. The film Akira is a classic of Japanese anime that is filled with every key aspect of the Singularity Archetype, including Homo gestalt and Logos Beheld. Akira, the eponymous mutant of the story, is so powerful and mutagenic that his cells must be stored in an underground vault at absolute zero. If even a single one of his cells reanimates, it threatens the military-industrial complex of post-apocalyptic Neo-Tokyo. A common variation is that the military-industrial complex will create mutants or attempt to harness the power of spontaneously occurring mutants, but will tend to lose control of them as they become more aware of how they are being exploited. The novel and movie The Fury and the movie Scanners are classic examples. Yet another variation is that there is a society where a military-industrial complex is in control but is threatened by the awakening of a mutant or mutants. The ruling power will often be portrayed as a parasitic force that needs to keep the host asleep so that it can continue harvesting its energy. An excellent example of this variation is the popular movie The Matrix, where artificially intelligent machines have taken over the planet and keep human beings alive only to harvest their energy. An illusory matrix is created to keep humans from becoming aware of what is going on. A single awakened mutant named Neo threatens the entire power structure.