Crossing the Event Horizon: Human Metamorphosis and The Singularity Archetype

crossing the event horizon

Crossing the Event Horizon: Human Metamorphosis and The Singularity Archetype

Copyright Jonathan Zap 2012

Edited by Austin Iredale

Eye Spirals by Tanner Dery

Interior Design by Mathael Robintree

To my mother and father, and evolving mutants everywhere.

The Flammarion Engraving, 1888
The Flammarion Engraving, 1888


Steam Press Boulder, Colorado

Copyright © 2012 by Jonathan Zap


All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.


This website is the product of tens of thousands of hours of work. Making all this content available free and without ads means this enterprise runs at a lifetime six-figure loss. That hurts my feelings as well as my finances! Please help out!


   First and foremost my parents, who raised me in a culturally vibrant, intellectually rigorous environment where investigation of any subject was encouraged, and unwarranted assumptions were always challenged. Dr. William Williamson, Chairman of the Ursinus College Philosophy Department and author of several books on religion and philosophy, one of a number of superb faculty members, as well as the college president, Dr. Richard Richter, who, though part of a conservative academic culture, provided crucial encouragement and support of my extremely divergent research. Novelist E.L. Doctorow, my writing mentor at NYU. My superb and ever vigilant editor, Austin Iredale, who, in this and other works, immersed himself in the mechanics of every sentence and citation and provided invaluable feedback on style, organization and the presentation of ideas. Webmaster extraordinaire and computer graphics expert, Tanner Dery, whose work ethic and talent provided invaluable, generous help to the dissemination of my work in cyberspace and who designed the eye spirals for the book. My endlessly patient and exceptionally capable agent Lisa Hagan, President of the Paraview Literary Agency, who knows everything about publishing. Rob Brezsny, who brought the glowing encouragement one expects of the philosopher of pronoia, as well as the practical suggestions and contacts of an accomplished and successful writer. John Major Jenkins, who, ever since we met through our late colleague, Terence McKenna, has been my companion researcher of mysteries. His archeo-astronomical investigations and ability to navigate disputatious fields distorted by collective projections has been a shining example. Daniel C. Jones, whose intuitive counsel and global insight has been a priceless resource in the completion of this, and many other life ventures. Code writing genius and cosmic thinker, Mathael Robintree, who created the infrastructure behind the Zap Oracle, inspired me with his insights and did a brilliant job with the layout of the book. Philosopher and Renaissance man, Michael Grosso, whose work, though I first encountered it when editing the final draft, and our recent correspondence, has brought exciting and humbling corroboration of my results. And, of course, Carl Jung, who, like a wizard bearing a torch, seemed to step out of his collected works when I first encountered him as a twenty-year-old, and who has served as a spiritual grandfather ever since. And all the thinkers, visionaries and researchers quoted throughout the book, those who shared dreams that revealed the thousands faces of the Singularity Archetype, readers who supplied insights, leads and moral support, and all those whom I have never encountered, but whose myriad contributions are helping the species move toward the event horizon.

This website is the product of tens of thousands of hours of work. Making all this content available free and without ads means this enterprise runs at a lifetime six-figure loss. That hurts my feelings as well as my finances! Please help out!
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