NOTE: Two major omissions in the video are related to the highly improbable avoidance of assassination by story-intensifying historical characters- Churchill, Hitler, and Trump. I mention that both Hitler and Churchill avoided assassination by not stepping on landmines set up where they were expected to exit vehicles. I said they were “told” not to get out of the expected side but the opposite side, but did not clarify that they were both told by warning voices they heard in their heads. I should also have mentioned the attempted assassination of Trump at a Pennsylvania rally by Thomas Crooks, which was defeated by Trump happening to turn his head from its expected forward direction to look at a graphic at just the right moment. Instead of a fatal headshot, he was slightly grazed in the ear, an injury that didn’t even leave a scar. But because ears are highly vascularized, they bleed readily, so the footage looks so dramatic, with blood dripping down his face even though the injury was so slight. Then we have the Secret Service breaking protocol and allowing Trump (still an exposed target in case of a second gunman) to stop, do fist pumps, and shout, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” setting up iconic footage and still photos. We have to credit Trump for having the presence of mind to spontaneously use the instincts of a reality show star to create a moment that looked staged (but wasn’t). The whole way it played out looked so staged that it had even Trump supporters I know wondering if his team had staged it. (They didn’t, of course.) At least one thought it looked like an episode in the brilliantly satirical series, The Boys, as if the evil Vaugh corporation had created a set-piece publicity stunt to make the charismatic psychopathic character, Homelander (who is clearly intended to spoof Trump at times, using Trump-specific phrasings) in a faux martyr set up.
Does it feel like there is a Donald Trump size splinter in your mind you can’t get out? Does it feel like this is the election that’s been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth? Does the Trumpocalypse still seem unreal? In addition to getting at what the Trumpocalypse reveals about the nature of the matrix, this one article will explain the evolution of life on this planet, all of history, and how you can hack the matrix source code to have a successful life. It’s time to wake up to the actuality, that it isn’t just a feeling or a metaphor. We actually do live in a “Reality Show,” a matrix whose source code has been written to favor story-intensifying plot developments and story-intensifying protagonists and antagonists. The evolution of life on this planet does not so much illustrate natural selection as manipulated story selection. This is close to what Terence McKenna meant when he said that the universe favors novelty. And, by the way, if my tone sounds a bit whimsical and jokey and you think I must be kidding, think again. Even financial analysts at Bank of America say there is a 50% chance we are living in a simulated reality.
The jokey tone is for two reasons. One because it’s the holidays, the official start of the Trumpocalypse is three weeks from now, so I’m heavily, heavily sugar-coating the revelations. The second is, when you live in a story-centric matrix it’s crucial not to take what you or anyone else thinks too seriously, especially since reality itself is in a state of flux.
Let’s begin by considering the cast of characters that populated this spherical island in space before central casting evolved homo Sapiens to heighten the entertainment value of this matrix. Before the dinosaurs, the earth was covered with tiny microbes, mainly bacteria. Bacteria are interesting microbes, highly adaptable, varied and necessary for other life. So, don’t get me wrong, I like bacteria at least as much as the next guy. Respect. I have trillions of them living in my own body, and I take probiotics. To paraphrase Donald Trump, nobody has more respect for bacteria than I do. But let’s face it, size does matter. Unless you are a microbiologist, the bacteria story is not something that can hold your attention past a certain point. For example, you probably haven’t heard of anyone binge-watching a cable series where all the characters are bacteria. Bacteria are awesome, they make great cultures, but from the story structure point of view, they are basically doing the same shit over and over and over again for billions of years. They serve practical purposes, and that’s why, after billions of seasons, their story is still going, but in the background, mainly as a nearly invisible supporting cast to the main players. The Earth story doesn’t really get interesting until the dinosaurs come along.
Put yourself in the perspective of future versions of us or some more advanced ET species or AIs that have superseded us and use quantum computing or some other means to create matrices. Visionaries from many cultures and eras have recognized that there is a manipulative, illusion-generating species running our show. The Gnostics, in the Nag Hammadi Library, nearly two-thousand-year-old documents improbably discovered in 1945 right at the end of our last apocalypse, WWII, spell it out for us, just as the Hindus and many other visionary cultures have: we live in Maya (which means “matrix”), an artificial realm of illusion. The Gnostics called the matrix masters the Archons. Instead of saying “matrix masters” a million times, I will refer to these entities as “Archons.” Please don’t take that to infer anything too mystical. Technological materialists like Elon Musk believe the same thing—that there are intelligent entities, possibly just us in the future, who have developed quantum computing and are now running countless high-res, super-complex, avatar-filled, simulated realities like ours, what I call the Babylon Matrix. Similarly, thanks to a bit of off-the-shelf hardware called a “fish tank,” I run a simulated biosphere I’ve created with air pumps and filters to create an artificially oxygenated aquatic environment populated by a dozen fish who live inside a glass box.
My “fish tank” –an artificial matrix I set up in my living room for selfish entertainment reasons
I go to some trouble and expense to keep it running, but not because I am, as my fish might foolishly assume, a loving God who deeply cares about this particular community of a dozen fish living in a predator-free simulated Edenic reality I’ve created for them within nearly invisible glass walls. I act like a reliable and benign, divine-covenant-bound God to my fish, and they probably assume I exist as a supporting entity there to bring them flake food twice a day. At this point in their evolution, they lack gnosis and are almost certainly clueless that my agenda is entirely selfish. The fish tank is in my house, not for the fish, but solely for my entertainment. For this reason, I chose colorful, interesting-looking fish, the best characters I could cast, to be in this little glass-walled matrix at the back of my living room.
So, let’s say you’ve set up the earth matrix for similar reasons. Until the dinosaurs came along, your aquarium wasn’t all that interesting to look at. There’s only so long you can stare at a sphere covered with microbes and some trilobites crawling around on the bottom of oceans. Similarly, I’m not going to put up with an aquarium that only has algae growing in it, even though it would be much lower maintenance. The entertainment value of the earth matrix for the first billion years or so is maybe a one or a two, but as soon as you evolve boring microbes into dinosaurs—gargantuan meat puppets with armor plating and giant jaws glistening with dozens of switchblades who are having epic fights to the death—your production values and entertainment factor have shot up to a five or six.
If your Archon household includes boys, your matrix is like an endlessly running Saturday morning cartoon show with all these cool-looking, giant rock em’ sock em’ carnivorous meat puppets tearing each other apart. But after a while, the kids grow out of that, and the whole dinosaur story gets super repetitive. It was a cool series, renewed for millions of seasons, but eventually, every series runs its course and needs to get canceled to make way for more novel reality shows. So, quick intervention: you toss a smallish, Manhattan-sized asteroid toward this little island-in-space, and the kinetic energy of it is so great that it basically, as Terrence put it, “flattens anything larger than a chicken.”Talk about a dramatic series finale! Then we get a few years of nuclear winter and chaos, a dramatic zone between series, and then, because we canceled the dinosaurs, we get a way more interesting story, a hot-blooded new series called “The Mammals.” Entertainment value is up to a solid seven.
The cast of mammalian characters is way more varied and colorful and keeps evolving, and the series keeps running for millions of seasons even though recently, a lot of character types called “species” have gotten canceled because they are superfluous to the main storyline. After a while, the drama value of watching yet another saber-tooth tiger ripping apart yet another antelope or whatever becomes very same-old, same-old. The entertainment value of non-hominid mammalian species drops to about a 3. (Today, it is even lower. You can calculate this statistically by comparing the number of shows featuring all other mammals versus shows predominantly featuring Homo sapiens.) But you don’t want to just cancel on the mammals–millions of years of evolution have created so much high-production-value natural scenery and all these colorful little muppets. Some of these mammals are warm and fuzzy and cute and almost Ewok-like—Kuala bears and pandas, while others mammals are cool-looking stone-cold killers like tigers, and there is no need to waste all of that, so what you do is demote them to extras and supporting cast and gradually shift the storyline to these more complex interesting creatures, the hominids.
You keep evolving the hominids until you have two intertwined major series, The Neanderthals and The Homo sapiens. Eventually, it becomes clear that the more vicious of these two hominid species, the Homo sapiens, have more story potential, so the Neanderthals get voted off the island, and you allow Homo sapiens to xenocide them to focus your matrix on the more story-intensifying species. At their best, Homo sapiens have brought the entertainment value of your matrix to an 8. But after a while, these stone age cultures who keep making the same stone axes for millennia and keep doing the same shit over and over with negligible cultural novelty get pretty boring. They had a good run, but after a while, they just seemed so dated, so Pleistocene.
So now it’s time to send in the black monoliths and magic mushrooms and so forth and do some genetic engineering—a major wetware upgrade. You throw more processing power into their language centers, etc., so that they can start making their own stories and become self-aware avatars who can recognize the need for drama and novelty. Eventually, these upgrades result in a major new epic reality show called “History.” And History is a spectacle-filled, hot-blooded, his-story, a patriarchal, great man theory, male-character-based epic with over-the-top characters and spectacular battle scenes, and you name it—the novelty is endless.
Now you’ve got a cast of artificially intelligent, slightly self-aware avatars who recognize the need for drama and novelty. The history show can mostly run itself, but you still tweak things and make interventions here and there. For example, nuclear weapons were this incredibly dramatic development of one of the most dramatic miniseries of all time called “World War Two.” You let the avatars set off a couple of really small ones as a pyrotechnic miniseries finale. But after that, as your avatars start to develop more and more powerful nukes, you recognize that these are potential plot-spoiler devices, the sort of McGuffin that many plotlines can circle around, but that must never go off. For the first time in the History Show, you allow seventy years to go by with a new sort of weapon not being used. You also allow multiple witnesses in both the U.S. and the Soviet Union to observe some of your interventions—UFOs appearing above nuclear missile silos and disabling launch codes.
Gradually, you are setting up the ultimate series finale called the Singularity, a Truman Show/Twilight Zone-type denouement where your avatars are going to realize they are avatars. (see my book Crossing the Event Horizon—Human Metamorphosis and the Singularity Archetype) Meanwhile, you’ve got to keep things interesting and dramatic, even improbably dramatic, so that your avatars eventually start to catch on and get the joke. (But right now, we have a chance to get the joke sooner than the Archons want.) All those billions of seasons of plot-enhancing development in the Babylon Matrix have led right up to the present moment, the prequel we are in right now, just before the epic new series, The Trumpocalypse, takes over. The Babylon Matrix has been running itself, driven along by this intelligent species of vicious drama queens always turning out story-intensive products. The Archons get arrogant and negligent and allow any Archon to do whatever to this matrix.
And then, not very long ago, a bored Archon boy, a particularly juvenile and sadistic Archon boy of the sort that lives on Adderall and ultra-sour candy and who might, on some rainy afternoon, toss an M-80 into his boring plastic ant farm to see what will happen, steps up to the matrix control panel. As dramatic as history is, there aren’t enough explosions, and what is not to hold this Archon boy’s attention? So the boy starts this huge, high-stakes, high-novelty election in the only superpower nation-state of the Babylon Matrix, and it comes down to a choice between two lead characters. One is the most qualified, most politics-as-usual type, monotonous presidential candidate of all time, and the other is the world’s most popular reality television star, the least qualified candidate of all time, an orange-colored, fire-breathing monster-clown-trickster named Donald Trump.
Which of these sounds like the most story-intensifying character? But there’s a slight problem: a majority of the avatars voting for the next lead character have been programmed with too much common sense and survival instinct, and they actually prefer to vote for the drama-killing character. Polling has never been so sophisticated and accurate, and 100% of the polls predict the drama-killing character will win. What’s a sadistic Archon boy to do? Well, now we know what he did. He named his meant-to-win-trick-card character “Trump,” and with the worst kind of heavy-handed deus-ex-machina manipulation, he gives him an electoral-college-trick-win, which every poll said was impossible. And now all the sensible avatars, the sort of ones who voted for “No-Drama Obama,” are frustrated and know they’ve been tricked somehow. But lots of these folks are a bit naïve. For example, many of them still stubbornly cling to “facts.” They just don’t realize how stupid it is to cling to facts when you live in a fiction-based matrix! This is why the Oxford Dictionary’s word of the year is “post-truth”!!!!!! Get it? Truman is starting to catch on. Time to wake up and smell the juvenile Archonic source code sheeple! The “facts” are just a bunch of temporary data points that any Archon boy can shift at any moment for story purposes. Story-intensifying fiction trumps boring facts every time! You can drive yourself and everybody crazy whining about carbon and climate change, and meanwhile, any time it served a story purpose, this Archon boy could just set off a super volcano and throw us into nuclear winter. All your sensible, “fact-based” climate change worry will just make you look stupid at that point, and you are just baiting Archon Junior to trigger Yellowstone so that he can make what you assumed was the “factual” story blow up in your face. In general, if you want to succeed in a fiction-based matrix, then be the best reality show star you can be, not a fact-based dinosaur. (More about this winning strategy momentarily.)
So, to recap, an obviously heavy-handed and immature Archon designs an orange monster-clown-tickster avatar to be an improbable winner. In an over-the-top wink at the avatar collective, he even names him “Trump,” which actually means a winning trick card. Get it? The archon in charge of this matrix gives you a huge Negan-of-the-Walking-Dead-we-both-know-I’m-just-fucking-with-you smirk. “Trump” is as over-the-top obvious a character name as “Cruella De Vil”. Get some subtlety, Archon Junior! I don’t mind living in a story, but these names are killing me. Why does it have to be such a cartoonish allegory? I get the joke already, so can you please stop giving Republican antagonist avatars over-the-top names like: “New Gingrich,” “Rush Limbaugh,” “Dick Armey,” “Tom DeLay,” “Trent Lott,” and, of course, head of the RNC, key Trump ally and soon to be his chief of staff, “Riance Prebus.” Who are you kidding? What mother who is not part of an extra-terrestrial bat species names their kid “Riance Preibus?” You’re just fucking with us with these ridiculous names. But who am I to talk when I was born with the last name “Zap”?!!! I get the joke. I am the avatar that some subtler Archons sent to “Zap” the collective by finally putting the orange pill in the center of a jokey, candy-coated online article/video. So even though I have just offered the single most crucial revelation ever created, this is also the most humble day of my life.
Like Trump, I, too, am a pre-programmed Avatar meant to play a specific story-intensifying function, which I have hereby performed. But, if I play my role just right, if I can get all of you to make this article go viral, I will have played my role “too well” for Archonic purposes. Too many avatars will have their Truman Show awakening and get the joke, and the Trumpocalyptic storyline will have to shift or risk a loss of novelty. This is why I said I am optimistic. We are smarter than they think we are, and they allowed the dumbest of Archons to come up with this ridiculous Trumpocalypse storyline. The Archonic fingerprints on the Trumpocalypse miniseries are clearly the ultra-sour candy-smeared fingers of an attention-deficit, dumbed-down, sadistic Archon boy who probably gets bullied by other Archon boys and is tossing in “Donald Trump” like an M-80 into an ant farm. The ridiculously over-the-top Trumpocalypse story is clearly not the product of the sharpest Archon in the Archon shed. A mature puppet master doesn’t let the strings show. No well-educated, mentally stable adult Archon would pull such a juvenile stunt.
Our reality is riddled with Mandala effects inserted into the past that indicate how clumsily the Trump timeline was pasted into our reality.
In November 2016, a clip from an episode of the 1950s western television series Trackdown was published to YouTube, along with the claim that it “predicted Donald Trump” by featuring a snake oil salesman character named “Trump” who claimed that only he could prevent the end of the world … by building a wall around the town.” Snopes judged the claim to be true.
The television series Trackdown really did produce an episode featuring a “Trump” character who came to town claiming that only he could prevent the end of the world by building a wall (and also sold special force propelling umbrellas to deflect meteorites). The episode (S1, E30) aired on CBS in 1958 and was titled “The End of the World,” featuring actor Lawrence Dobkin playing the role of “Walter Trump.” A synopsis of the episode from the Classic TV Archivereads as follows:
Walter Trump, a confidence man, puts on a long robe and holds a tent meeting in the town of Talpa. He tells the townspeople that a cosmic explosion will rain fire on the town and that he is the only one that can save them from death. Ranger Hoby Gilman attempts to prove Trump is a fraud.
19th-century book series featuring a character called Baron Trump and his guide named Don has resurfaced conspiracy theories involving former president Donald Trump and his youngest son, Barron.
Time travel talk was reignited after a viral TikTok on Tuesday, and since viewed more than 5.9 million times, discussed Ingersoll Lockwood’s 1888 publication Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey and 1896’s The Last President.
Lockwood’s stories became a hot topic of conspiracy theorists, some of whom claim the Trump family has a time machine, after the Republican entered the White House in 2016.
In the new video post, user mattyicerants said: “I’ve thought about this every day for the past two years: In 1888, a man named Ingersoll Lockwood wrote a book called Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey, where a 10-year-old boy named Baron Trump who has a mentor named Don, who is a rich man who lives on Fifth Avenue in New York City. He and Don travel to Russia to find a portal to a magical underground world.”
The TikTok user pointed out the books’ author lived in New York City at the same time as Serbian-American scientist Nikola Tesla, who some conspiracy theorists often suggest was a time traveler.
The name of the book’s character, Baron, which is short for the Germanic name “Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian Von Troomp,” is further evidence of time travel, according to some. In real life, ex-President Trump descends from German immigrants to the U.S.
In the novels, Baron and Don discover a portal to a different world. It is this point that conspiracy theories have jumped on in the past: could Lockwood have been talking about time travel?
“The thing about time travel is that if it’s ever to exist [then] it already does,” said one comment on the post that received its own 35.4k likes.
Pence and The Last President
It is the last book of the series that really adds fuel to the conspiracy fire: The Last President, also known as 1900. Amid the upheaval of the Trump presidency and post-presidency, some say this book was warning us all along.
In the novel, the entire East Side of New York City is “in a state of uproar” in November after a candidate is unexpectedly elected despite opposition to him.
It is the tumultuous election of Bryan, supported by “mobs of vast size [that] are organizing under the lead of anarchists and socialists,” that sparks this. These groups “threaten to plunder and despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged and oppressed them for so many years.”
The mob plans to march to a hotel on Fifth Avenue, the site of Trump Tower today.
The president in the book even appoints a man to his cabinet named Pence, another striking coincidence given that Trump’s vice president was Mike Pence.
And that’s why I am an optimist about the Trumpocalypse and think that what looks apocalyptic is actually an opportunity to get a critical number of avatars to wake up within the Babylon Matrix so that we can fundamentally hack the source code. I am about to put my life in danger by revealing the hack that allows me to live an improbably magical life. It disgusts me to admit this, but it is essentially the same hack that Trump is using, only mine is hampered by ethical standards. I have always lived an improbable, magical life even though, except for the last couple of years, the most money I had access to was a school teacher’s salary. I just turned 59, an age when life is supposed to be boring, and yet I traveled to 25 countries in 2016 (see my Facebook albums), and even though I’m an introverted, cranky, weird, and increasingly old white guy, I continue to be surrounded by interesting young friends, amazing synchronicities, dreams, and visions happen daily and whatever happens to be going through my head gets instantly published online.
Early on, I learned a source code hack, I can tell you in five words, and it’s not the power of positive thinking or New Age bullshit like The Secret or YCYOR (you-create-your-own-reality). If you don’t want to know the source code hack to lead a magical life, stop reading now! Here it is: BE A STORY-INTENSIFYING CHARACTER. If you make yourself into a story-intensifying character and can get yourself onto a story-intensifying timeline, matrix source code will recognize that and open doors for you, throw other story-intensifying principal characters your way and adjust any recalcitrant “facts” to allow your story to create novelty. Another avatar about my age who tapped into this simple hack was Steve Jobs. Everyone talked about how Jobs created a “reality distortion field” around him. He was a narcissist and an asshole to most of the people around him, but he was a story-intensifying character, so the matrix bent around him. Does Donald Trump keep winning because he’s so shmart, as he so often tells us? Is it because he’s going to replace everything with “something terrific.” Is it because no one has more respect for women than he does? Is it because he was more fact-wielding than Hillary Clinton? No, he won because he was the most improbable, story-intensifying avatar who could possibly have become president. Duh. This should be obvious people. If Napoleon was a perfect ten on the History series story-intensification character scale, Donald Trump is an 11.
If you still don’t get it, I’ll give you an obvious example of how the story-intensifying source code works. Donald Trump is the world’s most successful and famous reality television star. When did the modern reality television era begin? It began with the first season of Survivor, which played out in the year 2000, the year we were supposed to get an apocalyptic revelation. The show’s creators were Archon inspired/controlled, and they set up this reality-show-matrix-within-the-reality-show-matrix using the exact same Archonic source code that runs the outer Babylon Matrix. Characters were voted off the island based not on their knowledge of facts or high ethics but according to who intensified the story. Trump survived the sixteen-person clown car of the Republican nominating process because he was by far the most colorful of the clowns. Who of the sixteen-member tribe won the first season of Survivor? The colorful, manipulative, man-you-love-to-hate, immoral asshole Richard Hatch. Get it? The nice guy doesn’t win. It isn’t about who the good guy or the bad guy is– it’s about who is story-intensifying and who isn’t. A danger in revealing this hack is that it is amoral. It will promote the timeline of epic assholes as well as outlier saints. I make every effort to use this hack in ethical ways that accord with my values, and I hope that you will use it to promote love-based timelines and not hate-and-power-based ones, but that’s up to you. If I were willing to wear body armor and a breath mask and use uncanny charisma and the Force-lightening technique to assist me, especially with a last name like Zap, I would probably end up conquering Star Systems. I would get far more matrix resources because that would make me such a story-intensifying avatar, but for ethical reasons, I’m just not willing to go there. (By the way, I have actual Sith ancestors, and the Sith are a peace-loving, ethically-bound species, though Archon propaganda, e.g., Star Wars films, would have you think the opposite. See my writings on actual Sith culture). Darth Vader is by far the most story-intensifying Star Wars character, and without him, the franchise would be worth nothing. Vader is the one character somewhere in every film, while boring good guy-type generic characters get anonymously dismembered by his red light saber, and nobody cares. Al Gore and Hillary Clinton got more votes but were dropped from the story because they were too much like Jar Jar Binks. They knew way more “facts” than their opponents (already a fatal flaw), and in general, they were way too story-deadening and annoying in a banal way to carry 4 to 8 seasons as the lead character. Would anyone have kept watching Star Wars if the big reveal was that Jar Jar Binks was Luke’s father? Donald Trump is essentially using the same hack I use but unencumbered by ethics. He has created an anti-cabinet consisting of a bunch of low-budget Batman villains who are committed to destroying the very departments they will take over (horrible but story-intensifying). He actually talks about “central casting” and freely admits that he picks supporting characters, even Secretary of State, largely because they “look the part.” Trump knows that fiction trumps fact and that with an outrageously counterfactual fifty-character tweet, he can stir up the whole world. He gets exponentially more resources from the matrix than I do—giant towers, private jets, and helicopters, and now the keys to a superpower—because I allow myself to be boringly bound by ethics while Trump is the engine of novelty every story, every reality show series needs: a love-to-hate him, break-all-the-rules, trickster antagonist. Trump is essentially a Gnostic master gone rogue. He gets the joke. He was sent by the Archons (“central casting”) to do exactly what he’s doing. He is following the Tao (the Archonic source code) more perfectly than any avatar in the history of the world. However, if enough of us avatars with story-intensifying capacity and ethics start hacking the source code, we can shift everything. The Archons may have made a crazy, blood-thirsty, drama-queen species, but they also made us just a bit more self-aware than intended, and they let the most foolish of their children generate the Trumpocalypse, a contrived miniseries anyone can see through. They focused everything on the Trump avatar and so far haven’t noticed that the Zap avatar might be doing his job a little too well. So, assuming I can get this out there on the internet before some matrix agent with a nasal over-enunciated monotone starts interrogating me or pulls me from the matrix like they just did to Princess Leah, who is only a year older than me, I am going to share with you the most powerful source code hacks I’ve learned. The complete collection is to be found on my website,, where you will also find my free, matrix-shifting, 800-card oracle (the “Zap Oracle”— a red pill oracle that reconfigures itself to accord with each moment of consultation). The first hack, once again, is to shift matrix resources toward you by being a story-intensifying character. Read about story structure, such as the book Story by screenplay guru Robert McKee. For example, one principle of screenplay writing is that in every scene, something of high value should be at stake. I adapt this to my life by mostly refusing to engage in any small talk. Mundane dialogue does not shift the matrix. I’m an introvert, well-entertained in my own inner world. If I’m going to take myself out of that world to talk to someone I insist that something of high value be at stake in the conversation.
You also need to mythologize your life. Mythologize it in a healthy way (see Jungian psychology). Arnold Toynbee, the British historian who analyzed the lifecycle of civilizations, discovered that civilizations fell when they no longer had a healthy ruling myth. The source code supports avatars who devote themselves to highly meaningful and interesting mythic life missions. (But also darkly mythic ones too.) Anyone rich in meaning will be given more of it, and anyone who says they are bored, who lacks meaning and motivation, is doomed. Here is the central line of source code running this matrix: To those whose story is intensifying give more, from those whose story is dwindling take away what little they have. This line of code is actually revealed in the Bible, Matthew 13: 12, where it says: “To he who has much, much more will be given and to he who has little, even that little will be taken away.”
On the dark side, greedy but highly motivated story-intensifying avatars use this code to create massively unequal wealth distribution. Don’t let your ego judge what’s “good” and “bad.” Dark forces are needed for novelty. A story writer is a matrix maker, and if you had to write a story about a character who will develop spiritually, you’ll be obliged to create darkness and antagonists to spur character and story development.
For example, Tolkien’s Ring trilogy is a story with ultimate development—the shifting of ages. If you took away Sauron, Saruman, Ring Wraiths, Orcs, etc., you’d have a stagnant matrix, hobbits going out on dates with other hobbits, and that would be really boring. There would be no development. See my article, Tolkien and the Developmental Need for Evil.
Evolution works by paradox. Here’s a quick example. There is one person who has been more of an evolutionary catalyst of the psychoactive potential of the marijuana plant. Who is it? The answer is our last entertainer-turned-president, Ronald Reagan. Reagan intensified the war on drugs—incarceration skyrocketed while his wife Nancy preached “Just Say No” across the country. The border with Mexico was made harder to cross, diminishing the flow of cheap schwag. This created great economic opportunity for domestic grow-ops. Zero tolerance policies encoded penalties based on plant numbers and weight. You had the same risk if you grew low-quality weed as you did if you grew far-more-profitable-per-pound, super-potent weed. With lots of black market money coming in, growers kept working their genetics to make weed many times more potent than it was a few decades before. The attempt to oppress something often makes it stronger. Or, as Princess Leah (who died today, may the Force ease her passing) put it, “The more you tighten your grip, Tarquin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.” So, the Trumpocalypse could actually turn out to be a giant evolutionary catalyst. It could be right this second for you if it enlightens you to how the matrix source code works. The matrix works based on what I call dynamic paradoxes. Here is a link to my most powerful matrix source code hack: Dynamic Paradoxicalism. Finally, the Archons overplayed their trump hand. They became so arrogant and lazy that they allowed a foolish Archonic child to create a storyline too absurd for anyone with open eyes to believe. I’ve done what I can by candy-coating this red pill and putting it into a high-word-count-but-easy-to-swallow form. Now it’s up to you to take it and distribute it. Use the hacks I have given you, use them ethically, and, most importantly, before you do anything else, put this article up on all your social media. Post it to everyone’s Facebook timeline. Please remember: All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people not to repost this article. If not you, who? If not now, when? Repost this, repost it now, or the Archons have already won. T
Part two of this inquiry, Take the Red Pill Exegesis, goes further down the rabbit hole to see who the Archons or other matrix masters might actually be.
This website is the product of tens of thousands of hours of work. Making all this content available free and without ads means this enterprise runs at a lifetime six-figure loss. That hurts my feelings as well as my finances! Please help out!
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If those who give are conscious of their own generosity and those who receive feel indebted, they are no longer family but rather strangers doing business.