Tanner Dery



Parallel Journeys can be read free here! If you prefer, the Audible, trade paperback and  Kindle versions of the book are  available on Amazon. Getting the Kindle would be the cheapest way to be able to leave a review of the book on Amazon which would be greatly appreciated. If you don’t have an Audible account and can’t afford one, email [email protected], and I will give you access to a private, free version of the audio version. For those who work well with audiobooks, I think that’s the best version, and it’s performed by the author.

Cover photo by Jonathan Zap of Andrew Warren Anderson in Venice. Cover designs by Jonathan Zap, realized by Tanner Dery. Interior design by Jonathan Zap. Back cover photos by Jonathan Zap

Parallel Journeys is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or persons (besides the author and Sven), living or dead, is coincidental. Any resemblance of photos to any actual Parallel Journeys characters is also coincidental. No actual mutants were harmed during the writing of this book.

Copyright 2023

Appoaching the Singularity AI assisted image by Tanner Dery







This website is the product of tens of thousands of hours of work. Making all this content available free and without ads means this enterprise runs at a lifetime six-figure loss. That hurts my feelings as well as my finances! Please help out!


Welcome to Parallel Journeys.

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This free online print version was published on 5.5.2023, but the Audible, Kindle, and physical book versions are also available. Overall, I think the Audible version, read by the author, will be the best way to experience the book for most people,  but this version is the most visual. Key patterns in Parallel Journeys may only be apparent after a second reading. It is being provided free because stories should be “equipment for living.” This book contains unique content that I want to be available to anyone who wants it, regardless of their ability to pay. Having said that, this website represents, literally, tens of thousands of hours of work over decades. I’ve also spent tens of thousands of dollars to pay the many talented people who’ve helped make this site and its content free and ad-free in cyberspace. If you can’t afford to donate, you can still contribute by spreading word about this site. If you can afford to donate even a small amount, you will be helping Zap Oracle grow. Thank you for your precious time and attention. Besides Parallel Journeys, this site is the home of the soon-to-be 800-card Zap Oracle (a free membership saves all your readings) as well as all kinds of other content.

There is a comment field at the bottom of every page, and you can also send me any sort of feedback to [email protected]

Note: I’m not a fan of trigger warnings, but Parallel Journeys contains some disturbing content, including suicide and non-graphic sexual assault. I was a high school English teacher for fourteen years, specializing in work with youth at risk, and I think this book has content that could be life-saving for some of them. It’s a major reason why this content is presented free.

You read Parallel Journeys at your own risk and by continuing, you agree that you have thoroughly read and understood all the dire warnings and conditions, stated and unstated, in the:

Parallel Journeys Reader’s Agreement 


Share a link with me to a review of Parallel Journeys posted anywhere and a mailing address, and I will send you laminated and unlaminated Parallel Journeys bookmarks for you and for you to gift to anyone you think has the potential to be an agent of evolutionary change. Here are the font and back images:

Best wishes for your parallel journey . . .


This website is the product of literally tens of thousands of hours of work over decades. I’ve also spent tens of thousands of dollars to pay the many talented people who’ve helped make this site and its content free and ad-free in cyberspace. So this whole enterprise runs at a six-figure loss which hurts my feelings as well as my finances, so help out if you can to keep this going! If you can’t afford to donate, you can still contribute by spreading the word about this site. If you can afford to donate even a small amount, you will be helping Zap Oracle grow. Thank you for your precious time and attention.


This website is the product of tens of thousands of hours of work. Making all this content available free and without ads means this enterprise runs at a lifetime six-figure loss. That hurts my feelings as well as my finances! Please help out!
please donate

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