Looking Toward the Light
CARD URL: http://www.zaporacle.com/card/looking-toward-the-light/

Card #357 – Looking Toward the Light


All human lives are complex tapestries of lighter and darker threads. Perception involves choice, and sometimes we focus on the dark elements, sometimes on the light. This is an auspicious time to focus on the light elements, the aspects of your life you appreciate and can choose to feel grateful for. The cosmos has provided many things to allow you to be alive right now, and able to read these words.

Racecar drivers are trained that if they are heading toward the wall, they should not look at the wall but at where they want to go. Look toward the open avenues of possibility right now. Work with everything offered to you in the present moment. Look toward the light.

See the super-relevant cards: Pronoia — Good things are Going on and Water of Life Available in the Babylon Matrix.

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