Look Beneath the Surface
I took this photograph in Loltun Cave in Mexico -- for a description see Vision at Chichen Itza CARD URL: http://www.zaporacle.com/card/look-beneath-the-surface-2/

Card #7 – Look Beneath the Surface


Ready to travel beneath the surface. The Babylon Matrix wants to keep you focused on surfaces and appearances, but this is an auspicious time to pull back the veils and look beneath the surface.

We are many-layered beings living in a many-layered world. If a particular layer arrests your gaze, you are relatively blind to the other layers. Some are captivated by the he said/she said soap opera layer. For others, the money layer is predominant. For still others, some particular layer of the internet, certain video games, a genre of pornography, or an academic specialty are the supreme layer. But to bind ourselves to any particular layer means living in a flatland, and we are capable of much more than that.

No matter how many layers we pull back, there are always more. Exploring the multiverse is like peeling skins off an eleven-dimensional onion.

To paraphrase JBS Haldane, “Not only is the universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.”

Consider this an auspicious time to recognize that there is more going on than meets the daylight eyes of the waking personality. Look beneath the surface and discover what is going on in the depths of yourself, others, and the world.

See: Exploring the Unconscious

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