Half Listening as Usual
CARD URL: http://www.zaporacle.com/card/half-listening-as-usual/

Card #296 – Half Listening as Usual


We all have blind spots, the parts of life as a whole, of our life in particular, and of significant others we don’t see or don’t want to see. This is an auspicious time to listen to what we don’t want to hear, to see what we would not see, and to feel and accept what we’ve tried to deny but know is true.

However, when other people are not receptive, we should not try to change them and intervene. Instead, we should lovingly withdraw energy while retaining the image of their highest potential. As Aleister Crowley pointed out, “If I tell a man something he is not ready to hear, it is the same as if I told him a lie.” Expand what you can perceive, but don’t cast your pearls before the willfully unperceptive.

See the Zap Oracle card “Blindspots”

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