Defying the Babylon Matrix
Self-portrait holding orange on deck of an aircraft carrier Card URL:

Card #433 – Defying the Babylon Matrix


Summon your will to defy the Babylon Matrix.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
— G.B. Shaw, Man and Superman, 1903

Be a mutant. Be unreasonable. But being unreasonable is not a license to act out every caprice.

Many confuse the pre-conventional with the post-conventional. For example, many think they are being rebels by being promiscuous, intoxicated, and irresponsible. But this is pre-conventional, it is even more primitive than the conventional and it certainly doesn’t transcend the conventional. Infantile unreasonableness is not to be confused with mutant unreasonableness. Deviate from the program by being more life-affirming and more evolved than the matrix expects you to be.

See: The Mutant versus the Machine…
March Forth! — A March 4th Mutant Manifesto
Ken Wilber on the pre/trans fallacy

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