Dreaming, out-of-body experience, near-death experience, entheogen and other visionary experiences, and death may all involve crossing an event horizon where one travels inter-dimensionally into unexpected timelines and states where we experience a transformation of core human attributes such as time perception, self vs. other, and sex/Eros. Event horizons may seem apocalyptic to the ego, which is trying to reinforce identity and stabilize the accustomed waking life. But what seems catastrophic to the ego may also be a quantum jump in personal or collective evolution.
Sometimes, crossing the event horizon means that one has experienced, or is about to experience, a shock, a life-changing event that will transform key aspects of your life. Human incarnation begins with crossing an event horizon (birth) and ends with the event horizon of death. Between those all-encompassing event horizons, there are more ordinary-life-scaled ones — such as first-time experiences of sex or a major hallucinogen, the passing of someone close, leaving the parental home, relocating to a different part of the country or world, and so forth.
This card challenges you to accept and go with your journey across event horizons. What seems like a catastrophic emergency to the ego might be a transcendent emergence.

My book on the Singularity Archetype, Crossing the Event Horizon — Human Metamorphosis and the Singularity Archetype now has a second edition available free on this site.
My two major works in book form (both available free on this site) are directly related to crossing event horizons. My sci-fi epic on the singularity, Parallel Journeys , is about interdimensional travelers who cross multiple event horizons.

Opening premise:
Does this reality feel fundamentally wrong to you? What if the truths of what lies hidden are exposed in the journal of a survivor of an extinction-level event in our near future? His journals have been sent back in time to warn us about the perilous edge between extinction and evolutionary metamorphosis on which the fate of our species trembles.
The survivor writing to us is an empathic 18-year-old named Tommy. He’s been sealed in a three-acre biosphere with just one other person, and the outside world has been radio-silent for the three years of their enclosure. Tommy is in telepathic contact with someone living during our time who may hold the key to an evolutionary metamorphosis. The journals, entitled Parallel Journeys, have been sent back in time to inspire you to create your own metamorphic butterfly effects to help our species avoid extinction and survive in a new form.

Parallel Journeys, can be read free on this site. If you prefer Audible, Kindle or physical versions, those are all available on Amazon.
See introduction to:
A Guide to the Perplexed Interdimensional Traveler and:
An Interdimensional Traveler’s Codex
If the event horizon has already appeared in the form of a shock, please read “Dealing with Shock” in A Guide to the Perplexed Interdimensional Traveler