
Card #346 – Suggestions?


Think of the cosmos as your suggestion box. You are part of a species that suggests manifestations, which, for better or worse, often become actualities. If the matrix is not as you would like it to be, it is up to you to make suggestions and take action to bring them about.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
— G.B. Shaw, Man and Superman, 1903

The suggestion sign suggests being as specific as possible about what you want to manifest, and that accords with some magical thinking. Personally, I prefer more open-ended suggestions as helpful manifestations often solve problems with oblique and unexpected solutions. According to some magical traditions, the most potent way to make reality-altering suggestions is not through prayers of supplication, where you ask for such and such. Such thought forms include the information that what you ask for does not presently exist. Instead, feel the feelings and experience the reality of the present existence of what you seek to manifest. This may be the most potent form of suggestion to the field of manifestation, but to my thinking, this technique can be overdone to the point of shadow denial.

The cosmos is more open to suggestions than you might imagine. But be careful what you ask for.

More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones. — Saint Teresa of Avila

On the other hand, the cosmos is not as open to suggestions as the authors of The Secret and You-Create-Your-Own-Reality New Age fundamentalists would have you believe. The best way to manifest anything is to work at it with a shrewd understanding of the medium of action and what conditions allow.

In the New Age the possibility of manifestation is often inflated to the fundamentalism of “you create your own reality” as absolutism and the core of a New Age fundamentalism. For a more balanced appraisal of this principle see: Dynamic Paradoxicalism and Magik with Tears (where you will also find more principles of manifestation)

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