Relationship and Third Force
Painting by my father, Nathan Zap, oil on canvas, 1979. This may have been his last painting and the only one I heard him ascribe a meaning. He said it was about death. See Nocturnal Visions -- The Paintings of Nathan Zap CARD URL:

Card #338 – Relationship and Third Force


A relationship has a lifecycle, an arc of organic development that may be out of the control of either party and which may unfold in ways that confound conscious intentions. According to Carl Jung, in most long-term, intimate relationships, one person is usually the container and the other the contained.

In the image, the container is like a boat with two heads. The two heads suggest that it is the larger, more complete being, but it also seems more diffused than the one contained. Container and contained can fall into a stagnant equilibrium, but then there is third force — the unexpected entering as a winged being carrying a wreath — and container and contained are reanimated and transformed.

See Eros: Love and Sexuality writings in the category section of this site.

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