Prince Harming
Plastic figurine named by its manufacturer "Prince Harming" CARD URL:

Card #215 – Prince Harming

Corrupted by adolescent narcissism and the celebrity culture. Depending on the position, this card may refer to you and/or someone you are close to. The positive aspect is that this is an auspicious time to work on transforming these qualities.

We live in an adolescent, narcissistic culture. People magazine, for example, is intended for adults but looks like high school gossip on a national scale. Few people in our society fully recover from high school. Many so-called adults are ungracefully aging adolescents.

We have all been subjected to conditioning to make us narcissistic, perpetually adolescent, and addicted. This is a propitious time to investigate conditioning and work on reclaiming essence from the culture of Prince Harming.

See the Zap Oracle card: Essence

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