Poverty Consciousness
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Card #268 – Poverty Consciousness


We live in a money matrix where so much of life is affected by buying, selling, and the ebbing and flowing of money. Most people feel stressed by money and wish to have more.

Don’t let money stress define your existence. There are ways to use money without letting it completely dominate your life.

Our money attitudes and habits are often irrational and self-sabotaging, and we often establish them early in our development. Working on money issues can be a catalyst for general maturation. Our approaches to spending, eating, and sex are often interrelated.

Spending, eating, and sex all involve complex processes of energetic transaction. Often, our patterns with one type of energetic transaction will parallel our patterns with others. For example, someone who throws caution to the wind with money may also be imprudent with their diet and/or sex.

This card relates to poverty consciousness which is not necessarily exclusive to money, but could also relate to other areas where you feel impoverished. You may feel deprived of the relationships you need, physical intimacy, time, creative opportunities, etc. The deprivation feelings are not necessarily illusory. Most of us experience real deprivations in one or more significant life aspects. There is a blurred boundary, however, between authentic suffering and self-pity/ victim consciousness.

How much are any problematic aspects of your relationship to poverty consciousness of your own making? Are they based on upward comparison — comparing yourself only to those better off? Do you need to change your perceptions, actions, or both?

Consider this an auspicious time to examine your relationship to money and poverty consciousness.

See Resource Fluctuations Happen — Working with Scarcity and Abundance for some ideas on how to thrive while feeling challenged for resources.

See Resource Fluctuations Happen — Working with Scarcity and Abundance for some ideas on how to thrive while feeling challenged for resources.
Google “creative frugality” to learn about innovative approaches to thrift.
See: Green Energy Vortex — Money as a Far From Equilibrium Dissipative Structure and the secret of turning the Green Energy Blues into a Mountain of Gold Doubloons
Resource Fluctuations Happen — Working with Scarcity and Abundance also:
Foxes and Reptiles — Psychopathy and the Financial Meltdown of 2008-9

This website is the product of tens of thousands of hours of work. Making all this content available free and without ads means this enterprise runs at a lifetime six-figure loss. That hurts my feelings as well as my finances! Please help out!
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