What part of you is pulling your own strings? Emotions? Addictions? Identifications? Obsessions? Depressions? Anxieties? Accepted social conditioning? Collective Influences? Infatuations? Ego schemes? It’s easy to lose our free will and potential individuality to
mechanical patterning.
We may rebel from others attempting to pull our strings, and conspiracists, rightly or wrongly, focus on the human organizations they view as puppeteers, but more often, it’s our own personal unconscious surveilling and manipulating us. Yes, there are puppeteers in the outer world, but this card points your attention to the one that’s with you 24/7/365.
Consider this an auspicious time to see the strings and reclaim free will from your inner puppeteer.
See IUI — Incarnating Under the Influence in a Polywater World