Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Water of Life Available in the Babylon Matrix

    Water of Life Available in the Babylon Matrix

    Accessing the water of life while in the Babylon Matrix. From one vantage, it can seem like we live in an arid, toxic world of asphalt and metal with nothing to nourish our weary spirits. But look beneath the surface of our world and you can find the same primal nourishment that all humans have…

  • test


  • The Dreams that Stuff is Made of

    The Dreams that Stuff is Made of

    So Much Depends on the Museum of the Mountain West in Montrose, Colorado (optional title) We live in a disenchanted era, impoverished by a scientific materialism that has cast its sterilizing shadow on the aliveness of the world and its objects. Each object has its moment of creation and stages of development and timespan of…

  • Oracular Synchronicity

    Oracular Synchronicity

    This card relates to oracles and the principle of synchronicity and indicates a propitious time to consult oracles. Since you are consulting an oracle, this shows you to be presently in tune with the Tao. An oracle consultation is a conscious synchronicity, a microcosmic mirror of your macrocosmic orientation toward the Tao. Depending on the…

  • Don’t let the Mundane get you Down

    Don’t let the Mundane get you Down

    Don’t let the mundane get you down. The magical is always present as well.

  • Awakening from the Nightmare of History

    Awakening from the Nightmare of History

    “History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake.” said Stephen Dedalus (James Joyce’s literary alter ego). Although we are presently incarnated within the Babylon Matrix, the approximately six-thousand-year period characterized by patriarchal, dominator societies (See social historian Riane Eisler’s seminal work: The Chalice and the Blade ), we may also be on…

  • Love


    M. Scott Peck has an interesting definition of love: “I define love thus: The will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth.” Someone once said that, “Love is cool, it is not hot.” It is crucial to distinguish love from passion, infatuation, codependence and sentimentality. It is…

  • Poverty Consciousness

    Poverty Consciousness

    We live in a money matrix where so much of life is affected by buying and selling and the ebbing and flowing of money. Most people on the planet wish to have more money and feel money stress. Don’t let money stress define your existence. There are ways to use money without money dominating your…

  • Home Sweet Home

    Home Sweet Home

    The doormat in the photo reads: “Rental Sweet Rental.” Your home, no matter how humble, is your castle and you should treat it as such. Look about your home as if you were a stranger and ask yourself, “What kind of person lives here?” The answer should reflect who you really are. Just as there…

  • Temporal Fencing and Life Fields

    Temporal Fencing and Life Fields

    One lifetime is only a limited amount of space. We have a rough idea of the temporal fencing that bounds it, and most of us are expecting to live less than another hundred years. That brings us to the single and double digits as we measure that temporal fence. Sometimes the remaining space is even…

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