Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Look Beneath the Surface
Ready to travel beneath the surface. The Babylon Matrix would like to keep you focused on surfaces and appearances, but this is a propitious time to pull back the veils and look beneath the surface. We are many-layered beings living in a many-layered world. If your gaze is arrested by a particular layer, then you…
Hand of Fate
“The fates guide him who will; him who won’t, they drag.” — Ancient Greeks One of the core, irreducible truths of human incarnation is being subject to the hand of fate, to forces outside of our conscious control. There is a recent New Age tendency to psychologize everything, to see every aspect of health, wealth…
If In Doubt, Focus Out
If caught up in internal craziness, shift from internal considering to external considering. With internal considering you are evaluating everything from the perspective of your wants, needs, desires, feelings and status. If you are locked into internal considering you are on the timeline of the princess and the pea; the whole world is your irritant…
Adapting to Life in the Babylon Matrix
Many people don’t feel entirely comfortable with the present era. Some long for a simpler, greener realm or otherwise feel out place in the Babylon Matrix. In A Splinter in your Mind I wrote, “We also have a part of our intuition that registers a general wrongness about this world. Hamlet says, “This time is…
Concealed Content
“Don’t judge a book by its cover” has become a cliché, and yet the underlying truth has never been more true than in the present day. Deception, subterfuge, misdirection and camouflage are to be found throughout the natural world. In the human domain they are even more prevalent. Take for example the foods we eat.…
Essence Revealed
Be true to your essence — that which created your DNA and incarnation circumstances – and allow others to be true to theirs. According to the Taoist I Ching, evolution occurs on the path of “reverse alchemy,” the path of “returning to the Tao.” Evolution does not necessarily occur by perpetual attunement to the Tao.…
Defying the Babylon Matrix
Summon your will to defy the Babylon Matrix. The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. — G.B. Shaw, Man and Superman, 1903 Be a mutant. Be unreasonable. But being unreasonable is not a license…
The path of individuation can feel isolating, but some relative seclusion can be extremely developmental, giving you the space to discover and unfold your individuality. It is true that the more you work on yourself the fewer will be the people you can relate to as full equals. Don’t fall into self-pity or victimhood about…
Circle of Influence
Grounding yourself by finding your center. According to the I Ching, you have only one obligation in life — to get your relationship to yourself right. Do that and your relations to sex, time, money, power, food, body, career, society, the cosmos, etc. will all be as good as outer conditions allow. Omit, distort or…
Remembrance of Things Past
Conscious reflection on the past can deepen the soul and even provide revelations of great value for the present and future. On the other hand, returning to the past obsessively out of emotional addiction can be a massive, massive draining of vitality needed for full engagement with the present. The past is not fixed or…
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