Category: Uncategorized

  • Opening the Magical Doorway

    Opening the Magical Doorway

    Opening the magical doorway. You open it every night when you enter the dreamtime, and death awaits as a magical doorway for the integrated spirit, but you may access magical doorways in all sorts of other ways as well. Empowered imagination can open portals into other worlds. For example, both the writer and the appreciative…

  • Exploring the Unconscious

    Exploring the Unconscious

    Few things take as much courage and are capable of producing such valuable results as exploring the unconscious. Nothing could be more crucial than Socrates’ great commandment: “Know thyself.” Those who don’t know themselves act out their unknown contents in the world, and often with disastrous results. Explore the unconscious with the courage to see…

  • Follow your Inner Path

    Follow your Inner Path

    The path of individuation can feel isolating, but some relative seclusion can be extremely developmental, giving you the space to discover and unfold your individuality. It is true that the more you work on yourself the fewer will be the people you can relate to as full equals. Don’t fall into self-pity or victimhood about…

  • Summoning your Will

    Summoning your Will

    Sometimes people falsely interpret “following the Tao” as rather passively and adaptively flowing with outer circumstances. The most important part of the Tao to follow is your inner refraction of it, which appears as the inner promptings of the self, what Aleister Crowley called your “True Will.” Your True Will, what you incarnated here to…

  • Androgyny


    Bring your masculine and feminine sides together to find your vision. From a neurological point of view, the highest creativity occurs when the right and left hemispheres are working together. Some people confuse androgyny (an intrapsychic orientation) with bisexuality (an interpersonal orientation) or hermaphrodism (an anatomical/genital anomaly). Hermaphrodism, as June Singer uses the term, means…