Category: Uncategorized

  • Pattern Seeking

    Pattern Seeking

    We are pattern seeking creatures, and much of the quality of the life we live will be determined by how and why we seek patterns. Pattern seeking can lead us into delusion and dark obsession or inspiration and revelation depending on how we employ it. If you look online, most of what you will find…

  • Exploring Ambiguity

    Exploring Ambiguity

    “Unequivocalness is simplicity and leads to death. But ambiguity is the way of life.” — Carl Jung “You’re either with us or against us.” — George W. Bush One of the greatest life skills and signs of maturity is the ability to live peacefully with ambiguity and ambivalence. The immature ego, however, wants an unequivocal…

  • Ambiguity


    “Unequivocalness is simplicity and leads to death. But ambiguity is the way of life.” — Carl Jung “You’re either with us or against us.” — George W. Bush One of the greatest life skills and signs of maturity is the ability to live peacefully with ambiguity and ambivalence. The immature ego, however, wants an unequivocal…

  • Dealing with Ambivalence and Ambiguity

    Dealing with Ambivalence and Ambiguity

    “Unequivocalness is simplicity and leads to death. But ambiguity is the way of life.” — Carl Jung “You’re either with us or against us.” — George W. Bush One of the greatest life skills and signs of maturity is the ability to live peacefully with ambiguity and ambivalence. The immature ego, however, wants an unequivocal…

  • Dealing with Ambiguity

    Dealing with Ambiguity

    “Unequivocalness is simplicity and leads to death. But ambiguity is the way of life.” — Carl Jung “You’re either with us or against us.” — George W. Bush One of the greatest life skills and signs of maturity is the ability to live peacefully with ambiguity and ambivalence. The immature ego, however, wants an unequivocal…

  • Relating to Ambiguity

    Relating to Ambiguity

    “Unequivocalness is simplicity and leads to death. But ambiguity is the way of life.” — Carl Jung “You’re either with us or against us.” — George W. Bush One of the greatest life skills and signs of maturity is the ability to live peacefully with ambiguity and ambivalence. The immature ego, however, wants an unequivocal…

  • Respecting the Otherness of Others

    Respecting the Otherness of Others

    One of the most mysterious, exciting, frustrating, and sometimes terrifying, aspects of human incarnation is the Otherness of Others. As members of the same species we often have much in common, but as members of the most individualized species we know of, we also have staggering differences. Standing in one elevator might be a three-year…

  • Inner Wholeness

    Inner Wholeness

    Grounding yourself by finding your center. According to the I Ching, you have only one obligation in life — to get your relationship to yourself right. Do that and your relations to sex, time, money, power, food, body, career, society, the cosmos, etc. will all be as good as outer conditions allow. Omit, distort or…

  • Hold on tightly, let go lightly.

    Hold on tightly, let go lightly.

    (Warning: This card employs mixed and exploding metaphor technology. Be prepared for an amalgam of casino and metallurgical metaphors.) Life requires skills of both detachment and engagement. One must strike while the iron is hot, and a life well lived provides molten metal glowing in the forge of each day. Every day you are provided…

  • Hold on tightly, let go lightly.

    Hold on tightly, let go lightly.

    (Warning: This card employs mixed and exploding metaphor technology. Be prepared for an amalgam of casino and metallurgical metaphors.) Life requires skills of both detachment and engagement. One must strike while the iron is hot, and a life well lived provides molten metal glowing in the forge of each day. Every day you are provided…