Category: Uncategorized

  • Reptile Appetite

    Reptile Appetite

    The reptile part of our brain can easily take over and dominate us with its appetites and territorial imperatives. Be wary of absorbing toxins of any kind. The positive aspect is that this is a propitious time to work on detoxification. “I can resist anything except temptation.” — Oscar Wilde Temptations are very, very tempting…

  • Working in Hell

    Working in Hell

    Human corporeal incarnation can be ecstatic and glorious, but it can also be, as we all know, difficult, laborious, and sometimes agonizing. Bodily illness and privations can oppress us, and often we must labor with mechanical resistance, the endless mundane tasks which are never really completed because others are always piling up. Scarcity of resources,…

  • Spirit Helpers

    Spirit Helpers

    Don’t forget that there are good and evil spirits. There are unseen forces at work — some of them hinder us, manipulate us toward darker feelings and appetites so that we produce the sort of energy they can harvest. Other spirits watch over us, respecting our free will, embracing us with love if we allow…

  • Eagle Stance

    Eagle Stance

    The Warrior stance of the eagle — high, clear, accurate vision coupled with alertness poised for action. Th Eagle Stance is on the other side of the spectrum from the emotionally entangled personal view. It is also quite different from the slow and often incompetent decision making abilities of mind and ego joined without intuition.…

  • Tormented Isolation

    Tormented Isolation

    Depending on position, this card may indicate that you, or someone close to you, is in a state of tormented isolation. Solitude can be a very powerful and creative zone of possibilities, but in this card it is being experienced as a form of imprisonment. Although circumstantial factors can play a part — solitary confinement…

  • Transition


    You may be somewhat unaware of an approaching transition. Your vision of it may be veiled, but that may be necessary. The future is the great unknown. The future may have formed and unformed elements. The cycling of the seasons, for example, has a lot of temporal momentum behind it and is very likely to…

  • Embracing your Shadow and Inner Child.

    Embracing your Shadow and Inner Child.

    Your shadow and inner child are two of the most primary archetypes that make you who you are. Integrating them more consciously into your personality is a gigantic task, but with the most profound rewards for yourself and the world. Your inner child is peering through all the surface distractions of your life. How does…

  • Despair, Depression

    Despair, Depression

    “Happiness does not depend on outward things, but on the way we see them.” — Tolstoy As Van Gogh became more depressed the birds in his paintings got lower and lower on the horizon. He painted this the same month he committed suicide. Subclinical depression is almost the norm in our society. The root cause…

  • Owning your Inner World

    Owning your Inner World

    According to the I Ching, you have only one obligation in life — to get your relationship to yourself right. Do that and your relations to sex, time, money, power, food, body, career, society, the cosmos, etc. will all be as good as outer conditions allow. Omit, distort or neglect any part of your relationship…

  • Ready to Travel Beneath the Surface

    Ready to Travel Beneath the Surface

    Ready to travel beneath the surface. The Babylon Matrix would like to keep you focused on surfaces and appearances, but this is a propitious time to pull back the veils and look beneath the surface. We are many-layered beings living in a many-layered world. If your gaze is arrested by a particular layer, then you…