Category: Uncategorized

  • Going Toward the Light

    Going Toward the Light

    All human lives are complex tapestries of lighter and darker threads. Perception involves choice, and sometimes we focus on the dark elements, sometimes on the light. This is a propitious time to focus on the light elements, the aspects of your life you appreciate and can choose to feel grateful for. Many things have been…

  • Wary of Toxins

    Wary of Toxins

    Be wary of absorbing toxins of any kind. The positive aspect is that this is a propitious time to work on detoxification. “I can resist anything except temptation.” — Oscar Wilde Temptations are very, very tempting and that is probably why they are called temptations. It is foolish to underestimate their power. Before you reach…

  • Spirit Guide

    Spirit Guide

    Spirit guide at your service. Don’t forget that there are good and evil spirits. There are unseen forces at work — some of them hinder us, manipulate us toward darker feelings and appetites so that we produce the sort of energy they can harvest. Other spirits watch over us, respecting our free will, embracing us…

  • Beware the Hollow Folk

    Beware the Hollow Folk

    Be wary of those who approach with hollow intentions. Choose your companions with infinite care. Know the difference between an acquaintance and a friend or spiritual ally. Are you hanging out with people with whom you would trust your life? Life is too short to spend in hollow company when it could be lived with…

  • Monkey Man

    Monkey Man

    What part of you is pulling your own strings? Emotions? Addictions? Identifications? Obsessions? Depressions? Anxieties? Accepted social conditioning? Collective Influences? Infatuations? Ego schemes? It is very easy to lose our free will and potential individuality to all sorts of mechanical patterning. Consider this a propitious time to see the strings and to stop being your…

  • Soaring Shadow

    Soaring Shadow

    “I Stood Upon a High Place” I stood upon a high place, And saw, below, many devils Running, leaping, and carousing in sin. One looked up, grinning, And said, “Comrade! Brother!” — Stephen Crane (1871-1900) There is no such thing in nature as an H-Bomb, that is all man’s doing. We are the great danger.…

  • Look Beneath the Surface

    Look Beneath the Surface

    Ready to travel beneath the surface. The Babylon Matrix would like to keep you focused on surfaces and appearances, but this is a propitious time to pull back the veils and look beneath the surface. We are many-layered beings living in a many-layered world. If your gaze is arrested by a particular layer, then you…

  • Journey Into the Unknown

    Journey Into the Unknown

    The future is the great unknown. The future may have formed and unformed elements. The cycling of the seasons, for example, has a lot of temporal momentum behind it and is very likely to continue unless derailed by an enormous shock, such as a giant asteroid impact that creates a version of nuclear winter. The…

  • Self-Liberation


    The image here is ironic because the subject appears to be completely bound in victim consciousness. If you are looking for someone or something outside yourself for liberation then you have just checked yourself into Super Max and thrown away the key. Some people define self-liberation politically, and feel that what prevents their liberation is…

  • Inner Independence

    Inner Independence

    According to the I Ching, you have only one obligation in life — to get your relationship to yourself right. Do that and your relations to sex, time, money, power, food, body, career, society, the cosmos, etc. will all be as good as outer conditions allow. Omit, distort or neglect any part of your relationship…