Category: Uncategorized

  • Rebirth of the Feminine

    Rebirth of the Feminine

    You are living in what might be the end of an approximately six-thousand-year period of patriarchal history and conditioning. The feminine in both females and males has been horribly oppressed and suppressed. Rebirth of the feminine means going out of the town and into the sometimes lonely frontiers of mutation and metamorphosis. This realm is…

  • Standing Your Ground

    Standing Your Ground

    Summon your will to defy the Babylon Matrix. The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. — G.B. Shaw, Man and Superman, 1903 Be a mutant, be unreasonable. But being unreasonable is not a license…

  • Don’t Lose your Power and Magic

    Don’t Lose your Power and Magic

    Don’t lose your power and magic to infatuation and other forms of relationship obsession, or to the longing for glittering objects. The positive aspect is that this is a propitious time to work on that. Many human beings are extremely vulnerable to romantic obsession, falsely believing that they can only find wholeness through capturing someone…

  • See the Many Sides of your Selves

    See the Many Sides of your Selves

    Know that there are always the blind spots, the parts of yourself you cannot see. Summon the courage to see them. Most human beings are a host of sub-personalities each of which calls themselves “I” when they take over, though they may have quite different agendas and modus operandi. The process of self-unification usually involves…

  • You are already an Interdimensional Traveler

    You are already an Interdimensional Traveler

    The Babylon Matrix suppresses your empowered awakening by convincing you that you are nothing but a particular identity, at a particular age, with such and such amount in your checking account, and the laundry list of worries and so forth. Actually, your real identity is that you are an interdimensional traveler who has arrived from…

  • Creating your own Magic

    Creating your own Magic

    The potential for magical manifestation is inherent in the universe. In the New Age this has inflated into the mantra, “You create your own reality.” But if this were the case, wouldn’t some sufficiently positive-thinking New Ager have created a world without pollution? To a great extent you do create your own inner reality, and…

  • Home on the Road

    Home on the Road

    Journeying is an archetypal human experience. I often feel the call to adventure as Winter turns to Spring, the urge to get out of the house and experience home on the road. Staying in one place for too long so easily and inevitably becomes a stagnant routine. Emerson said: “The problem with traveling is you…

  • Entering the Unconscious

    Few things take as much courage and are capable of producing such valuable results as exploring the unconscious. Nothing could be more crucial than Socrates’ great commandment: “Know thyself.” Those who don’t know themselves act out their unknown contents in the world, and often with disastrous results. Explore the unconscious with the courage to see…

  • Entering the Unconscious

    Few things take as much courage and are capable of producing such valuable results as exploring the unconscious. Nothing could be more crucial than Socrates’ great commandment: “Know thyself.” Those who don’t know themselves act out their unknown contents in the world, and often with disastrous results. Explore the unconscious with the courage to see…

  • Entering the Unconscious

    Jonah Travis in Madrid, New Mexico